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  • AMarie

Why go clean?

Updated: Nov 27, 2020

For me going clean means not having to worry about the harsh chemicals that are in my beauty products. Anyone who is a consumer in the beauty world should be aware of what they are putting on their skin. Going clean means not only looking great, but also feeling great too without the worry of doing harm to your body and the environment.

I use to never put much thought into the beauty products I used. If the label and its contents looked pretty I wanted it. I wasn't aware of all of the scary toxins I have been using all of these years. Not until one day I was online searching the web and ran across a website called This site really opened my eyes to what I was doing to my body. It also has educated me on what chemicals to be weary of, what to stay away from completely, and an on going list of alternative products that are out there.

You can have good quality beauty/skin care and be healthy. What a relief that was to me.

Wow was I amazed, but also overwhelmed. I mean where do I even begin? How much is this going to cost me? That is definitely the routine when you go from having a ton of cosmetic products to realizing you are going to have to start all over. The cool thing about it though it that it doesn't have to be!

I want you to join me and let me help you so it can be easy and fun! That is what makes us beauty lovers after all... trying out new products and sharing our make up tips with friends and family. This should be fun for you and not only that but you are making a step to a healthier you! Having fun and being healthy that is so important. So on to the big question. Where do you start?

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is a great website to use. They have useful 

information on everything from everyday household items, the food we eat, 

EWG has created the 

 cosmetic database. They 

Green rating (1-2) meaning low, Orange (3-6)somewhere in the middle, and 

and skincare.

rate the ingredients used in products from high to low based on their toxicity.

Red (7-10) meaning high.


Like EWG

gives useful information for products we use every day.


is another great site that also lists the product

On a rating scale.



companies' products are safe and non-toxic. 


is a great site with tips on what you can 

do to reduce your risk of breast cancer.

There are also some really cool apps that you can download to your phone. These come in handy when you are out shopping and need a quick way to see if the ingredients are safe.


This app has a really cute feature that allows you to keep track of your beauty products and keeps them organized based on if they are dirty or clean. It also has a built-in barcode scanner so you can scan products as you are shopping to see if the ingredients are safe.  Each item gives a detailed list of their ingredients, what other names the ingredient goes by, what the ingredient is, and ranks them high or low based on how healthy or toxic they are.


What I like about Skin Safe is not only does it have a barcode scanner, but it also has a cool "buy now" feature. One of my favorite things about this app is that it allows you to filter products based on allergens. They list their products based on how free they are from the top most common ingredients that cause allergies identified by Mayo Clinic.


The INCI Beauty app is a bit different from the others. This is a French app, but you can adjust the setting to your language and country. The app has a built-in scanner, a categorized search box, and a place to leave comment reviews. Each product lists its ingredients and has a high low rating composition.  One of the features I really like about this app is that they give you alternative products that are similar to what you are searching for.

Partners with MADESAFE to ensure that


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